
Oliver’s favoriate pasttime- laughing.


Runner’s high

Sophie has taken up some running.  Here she is after trying on her first (real) pair of running shoes.  Saucony Triumph 5.  She literrally took off for a run down the mallways after trying them and wouldn’t take them off.  How can I deny her that perfect fit feeling?  I did tell her afterwards that next time we have to “wait for things to go on sale” in order to buy…First pair of running shoesYou can get it here:

Sunset Celebration Weekend

Cindy and I went to the Sunset Celebration Weekend and made some lei.

Check it out at:

Made one for Sophie too!

Sophie's lei

Always happy (after a bottle)


Wedding pictures

Went to our cousin Jaja’s wedding at the California Institute of America.  The ambiance was great and food was exceptional.  Some pics:


Wedding dad oliver

My girls



Sophie loves to read, especially the same book over and over again


Foothill Park hike

Hiking with Oliver and stylin’ in the custom made baby bjorn cover- thanks Heather!Bjorn cover

Largemouth bass

I took Sophie fishing at Foothills Park (my old hangout) and she was very excited when we caught our first fish, a largemouth that’s >12 inches!  Cleaning it out was a pain, but it was tasty after putting it on the grill.Sophie's first catch

Largemouth bass closeup

Visitors from Japan

Max and Michele visiting us from Japan, Sophie’s not happy about something…Max and Michele

Bath time

Oliver enjoying bathtime


Sesame Street

Sophie hanging out at Emma’s watching Sesame Street.  Really the only time they’re sitting still next to each other.Watching Sesame Street

Rocking horse

Loving the hand-me-down rocking horse.  Thank you Kaitlyn!Rocking horse

Raised vegetable bed

Sophie gardening with grandpa Chi.  Planted some corn, cabbage, and basil.Raised vegetable garden with grandpa Chi

Taste of chocolate

Sophie’s first taste of chocolate- the world changed for her after this…chocalate


Sophie’s planted some coleus seeds as an experiment.  The most exciting part of the project for her really was playing with the labeler.  After this, she wanted to label everything…coleus


Sophie and her ducky towel


Charlie Pepper

Sophie petting the neighbor’s kitty, Charlie Pepper

Charlie Pepper

Patxi’s Pizza

Went to Patxi’s Pizza in Palo Alto with the Woods.  One of the better places around here for pizza.  Plus it’s family friendly- Sophie and Kaitlyn playing with pizza dough.

Check it out at:

Patxi's Pizza

New door

First impressions are everything right?  The entrance to the house sets the stage for the ambience inside, so we decided to get a new wooden door.  Here it is after nights of finishing the surface and priming.  Here’s a secret- I love decorating the house, here’s another secret- more than Cindy does.  I guess it’s no secret any more.IMG_0410

The final product

Door final

Friend visiting

Kara visiting us from PA!  Her first time meeting Oliver.Kara and Oliver


Sophie helping mom make cookies, with chocolate chips please!  Is that a big stick of butter in there?IMG_0379

All bundled up

Sophie showing off her hairclips.Hairclips

Friends visiting

Mike and Nancy visiting from LA, got together at Cliff and Emily’s place.  Seems like Cindy’s always stuck in these pictures with lots of kids (Megan and Maddie).Friends visiting

Burning off some energy (Sophie and Megan)

Jumping on couch

Holding hands

A lazy morning for Oliver while Sophie reads some recipes to him.Reading recipes

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